Monday, April 05, 2010

Cobra 2010-04-02 Released

A new version of the Cobra programming language, dubbed "Cobra 2010-04-02", has been released. This new version has several additions and refinements to both the language and the libraries. There have also been numerous fixes.

Release notes have been posted to the discussion forums and the downloads are ready.

The "How To" and "Sample" programs on the web site (and included in the release) have been expanded and updated.


Nev said...
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Nev said...

Brilliant! After 20 years of C++/C# and lamenting that Eiffel didn't become mainstream I am a Python devotee of 7 years. Now it looks like you're making my programming dreams a reality. Thank you! (May I suggest you make a Cobra fan page in Facebook? It would be a good way to help bring it to the attention of more people - like all my C#/C++/Python friends.) Chuck, you rock!

Chuck Esterbrook said...

Thanks, Nev. I hope you love it. I like the idea about the FB page. I'll look into it this week. For further discussion on Cobra, feel free to post questions and comments at

Unknown said...

Programmers commonly use Cobra since it has the support for automated unit-testing from D and proven to eliminate some of the most difficult errors in code that are caused by Nulls.