Friday, May 24, 2013

Cobra 0.9.4 has been released today. Runs on Windows, Mac and Linux. Codes fast, runs fast.

Cobra is a community-driven, open source project under the MIT license.


Unknown said...

Hey gang,

Just wondering if any further development is happening on this one. I was very excited to see development tool, but it doesn't seem to be getting much attention since May of this year.

Is it dead?

Chuck Esterbrook said...

Not dead. There will be an 0.9.5 before the end of the year. You can also install from source if you want the very latest. It's stable.

Unknown said...

That's great to hear. I've been searching for a tool that gives me the best of all my worlds, and I think you have come the closest than anyone out there.

Thank you and please keep up the great work.